Will FTC Censorship Put More Drugs Into Our Water Supply?

One of the serious drawbacks of FTC censorship of natural products is the possibility that people will take more drugs. In fact, I would venture a guess that Big Pharma is banking on that – literally.

Supplements and alternative medicine in general tend to treat the problem; drugs tend to either mask the symptoms or treat the problem by controlling it rather than healing it, with a substance that could, and often does, harm the people who take them.

But harm to those individuals is not the only problem. In fact, the drugs that Person A takes, might often wind up in Person B’s body.

How does this happen?

bottle & ocean

One of the main channels is our water supply. The United States Geological Survey has done numerous studies on water throughout the country and found that 80% of the areas tested were positive for trace amounts of pharmaceuticals.

Not only does that water often become our drinking water, it also is home to fish that end up on our dinner table.

There is some question about whether the amount of drugs in the water can actually have a negative effect on us. Granted, the trace amounts of the drugs are small and you would think they wouldn’t do too much damage. But when you consider that these drugs, and there are many different drugs in the water, are in every glass of water we drink and in the water used to boil every pot of potatoes, it really adds up. And, it’s a continual barrage – day after day, week after week, year after year.

More studies are needed to see what damage these drugs are actually doing. Is the water safe? Who knows?

What we do know is that fish are being affected. For example, the U.S. Geological Survey found “intersex fish” in the Potomac River and its tributaries. These fish were male, but carrying eggs. (Who’s having fish for dinner?)

It stands to reason that the reproductive system would be damaged: One of the major drug residues found by U.S. Geological surveys of 139 streams across America were hormones. The others were painkillers, blood pressure medications and antibiotics.

Many people choose to address their hormonal imbalances, pain, high blood pressure and infections naturally. And many are successful, while avoiding the side effects and other damage the drugs could do to the body.

Should anyone be censored from telling others what’s worked for them? Should anyone be prevented from finding out about those remedies?

That’s exactly what FTC censorship does. How can that be a good idea?

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Wellness Truth Network and a clickable link back to this page.

FTC Censorship Could Lead to Chronic Disease. Find Out How to Protect Yourself.

We recently did a survey to find out how many people are interested in receiving information on nutritional supplements and natural, non-drug treatments that help prevent or treat disease. No surprise – we got some very big numbers! Unfortunately, FTC censorship of supplements and non-drug treatments may prevent people from getting the information they need. Continue reading “FTC Censorship Could Lead to Chronic Disease. Find Out How to Protect Yourself.”

FTC Censorship Delays Big Pharma’s Inevitable Failure to Dominate our Health

It doesn’t take more than an evening of watching television or reading a few magazines to see that Big Pharma is trying to promote the mindset that there’s a pill for everything. But despite billions of dollars spent on consumer advertising, Washington lobbying, and the wooing or bribing of doctors right from the beginning of med school, the industry has some serious problems with credibility that may just eventually bring it down. Continue reading “FTC Censorship Delays Big Pharma’s Inevitable Failure to Dominate our Health”

FDA and FTC Censorship Does Not Focus on Preventing Real Health Risks

Years ago, a doctor told me to stay away from hospitals. He was an M.D. – you would think his attitude would be somewhat different. What was the reasoning behind that advice? Patient deaths, injury and other mishaps were rampant in the hospital setting. As studies were done and the problems in hospitals were exposed, action was apparently taken to protect patients. However, according to recent studies, there has been very little improvement. Shouldn’t the focus of the FDA and FTC censorship be on protecting us from these dangers? Continue reading “FDA and FTC Censorship Does Not Focus on Preventing Real Health Risks”

ANH-USA to File Health Claim for Vitamin D—and It’s All Thanks to You! (Plus a Vitamin D Update)

Reprint from ANH-USA

In addition to this exciting announcement, we have some troubling news to report: more conflicts of interest over the Institute of Medicine’s vitamin D report, and more evidence from a top Harvard expert that the IOM recommendations fly in the face of good science. What is really going on here? Continue reading “ANH-USA to File Health Claim for Vitamin D—and It’s All Thanks to You! (Plus a Vitamin D Update)”

FTC Censorship Has Its Site Set on the Wrong Target

One of the worst things about FTC censorship of supplements is the attempt to take control of our health out of our hands and put it into the hands of those who may not have our best interests at heart. Many notables have warned us of this possibility. Some warnings were as long ago as the founding of the country. Continue reading “FTC Censorship Has Its Site Set on the Wrong Target”

Popular Infant Juices Contain Too Much Fluoride, Research Shows

 Commonly-consumed infant fruit juices contain fluoride, some at levels higher than recommended for public water supplies which can damage teeth, according to research to be presented on March 17, 2011 at the International Association for Dental Research annual meeting in San Diego. Continue reading “Popular Infant Juices Contain Too Much Fluoride, Research Shows”