UK to Run Huge Campaign to Convince Citizens that Organic Food is Better

 On the heels of the new Food Safety Modernization Act, which threatens the health of Americans and the livelihood of small and organic farmers, comes a wonderful story from the UK: The European Union is actually co-funding a $2.8 million campaign to spread the word in the UK that organic food is better for you. Continue reading “UK to Run Huge Campaign to Convince Citizens that Organic Food is Better”

FTC Asleep When it Comes to Monitoring the Sugar Culprits

A recent news release from a major processed ‘food’ manufacturer reads: “General Mills Inc is lowering the amount of sugar in its children’s breakfast cereals to no more than 10 grams per serving from 11 grams a year ago, the latest move from a U.S. foodmaker to address childhood obesity…” (from Reuters)

Their PR machine is working overtime to spin a positive message but it should be filed in the ‘you have got to be kidding’ category.

This stuff (can’t really call it food) is very light and nobody eats only a one cup serving.  One cup technically, in liquid volume, which is a standard cup, is a small 8 ounce coffee cup in size.  That is tiny!  The usual kid will likely eat a lot more than that, maybe two or three cups worth in bowl when eating these cereals.

This is part of the on going propaganda by deceitful and unprincipled ‘bastions’ of American commerce, the processed food industry.

While childhood diabetes rockets, this nonsense continues unabated.

 Where is the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) when you really need them?

You can just hear the kids shopping with Mom in the cereal section of the super market. “Mom, this one has reduced sugar. Can we have it, plead, plead…”

Parents are ultimately responsible for the health and well being of their children.

However, the watchdog empowered by Congress to look after our best interests, as in the FTC, is either a party to this crime against children or at best, very stupid.

Talk about false advertising. Instead of the on-going ‘whole grains’ promotion by these unscrupulous manufacturers, the FTC should require labeling similar to those forced on the drug companies for their dangerous products.

Then, maybe there would be some progress in stemming the child diabetes epidemic.

Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Wellness Truth Network and a clickable link back to this page.


A Nutritional Approach to Psychiatry has been Suppressed

From NaturalNews, article by Paul Fassa.  “A small branch of psychiatry called orthomolecular psychiatry, which uses natural remedies to balance brain chemistry, has been developed over the last few decades to wean mental patients off pharmaceuticals. Of course, the American Psychiatric Association Big Pharma shills have thoroughly denounced the orthomolecular approach as “snake oil”. Continue reading “A Nutritional Approach to Psychiatry has been Suppressed”