5 Steps To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

By Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D.

Excerpt from drhyman.com

BREAKING NEWS! Some newly discovered compounds have just been found to turn off all of the genes that cause diabetes. Are these compounds found in a pill bottle? No! Instead, you’ll find them on your dinner plate — in rye bread and pasta.

As I wrote in another blog about diabetes, rye contains special phytonutrients that turn off all the genes responsible for diabetes — in just a few weeks. I explained how to find out if you are pre-diabetic or diabetic. Half of the 24 million people with diabetes don’t know they have it and nearly all the 60 million people with pre-diabetes don’t know they have it.

Today, I want to share with you more information about what you can do NOW to prevent and reverse diabetes and pre-diabetes.

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