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Artificially induced fever has been successfully used for the treatment of cancer, especially in Germany. One must first understand the importance of fever for healing. Fever is not a symptom that we must eliminate with toxic pharmaceuticals as prescribed by mainstream medicine. Fever is nature’s way of healing and eliminating pathogens. (Natural News “Do Not Kill a Fever; Fever Kills Viruses” source below).
French microbiologist Dr. Andre Lwoff has scientifically demonstrated that fever cures even incurable diseases. Leading European cancer specialist, Dr. Josef Issels, wrote on this topic: “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer.” Oxford professor Dr. David Mychles and his research team have recently confirmed the effectiveness of induced fever for treating disease, including cancer.
An Incident of Fever Removal’s Aftermath
A leading practitioner of hyperthermia for cancer, Dr. Werner Zabel, tells this true tale to illustrate fever’s cancer preventative and curing capability. A swamp area outside of Rome was a breeding ground for malaria infecting mosquitoes. The government decided to drain the swamps. The incidents of malaria went way down, but the cancer rate, which had been significantly below normal, almost immediately went up to the normal cancer rate in Italy.
It was deduced that malaria induced fevers had helped prevent cancer in that segment of the population. European and Scandinavian nations have historically used various forms of heating the body for health purposes. Steam baths, hot springs, and saunas have been used for decades. So revving up the body’s temperature for health isn’t new to Europe.
But inducing fevers for cancer is not a casual do it yourself therapy. It demands skillful attention from health practitioners.
Hyperthermia (Thermotherapy) Methods
The oldest method, the Schlenz bath, has been around in Europe for a century. Before hyperthermia caught on for cancer, it had been used for a variety of illnesses. It involves being immersed in water with only the mouth and nose protruding for breath. The water temperature is around 102. After a half hour, the body temperature begins to match the water temperature. This technique is monitored to ensure pulse rates don’t exceed 140.
Amazingly, around 1976 a unique method of localized hyperthermia, heating cancer tumors with ultra-sonic waves, was reported in the USA as a possible fourth approach for mainstream cancer treatments. Not surprisingly, even after several successful clinical trials this approach did not see widespread use in the USA.
But it was picked up in Germany and China, where it and other hyperthermia or thermotherapy applications have become common. Unfortunately, the scant American use of localized ultra-sonic or radio wave hyperthermia is relegated to supporting roles for softening tumors, making toxic interventions easier. So although discovered first in America, Germany and Europe are the hot spots for treating cancer with hyperthermia.
The Best Approach
Instead of integrative medicine using hyperthermia as an adjunct for toxic orthodox treatments, hyperthermia should be used as an adjunct to other alternative non-toxic, inexpensive cancer treatments. There are several alternative cancer therapies that could be integrated successfully with hyperthermia/thermotherapy.
For example, the Budwig Center in Spain offers a Far Infrared sauna as its form of hyperthermia along with the Budwig Diet and other therapies. Speaking of diets, a cancer diet should be part of any cancer therapy. Since cancer cells thrive on fermenting glucose, cancer diets shun all forms of sugar. Alcohol, processed foods and usually meats are avoided. The focus is on organic veggies, fruits, and whole grains.
Meanwhile, saunas and steam baths could be used by anyone for better health and disease prevention.
Sources for more information include:
Do Not Kill a Fever; Fever Kills Viruses (explains the bio-chemical mechanisms involved)…
Basic hyperthermia coverage for disease and cancer…
Ralph Moss – Cancer Decisions Part 1…
Cancer Decisions Part 2…
Budwig Center for cancer – High temperature body therapy…
About the author
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at
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